Gear Aid Zipper Cleaner and Lubricant

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Snowcountry The Gear Aid Zipper Cleaner and Lubricant is designed to remove sand, dirt and salt deposits that can make a zipper stick. Previously known as Zip Care, this zipper lubricant’s handy brush top removes debris and delivers its cleaning formula right between the zipper teeth. Plus, it leaves behind a clear, protective and lubricating film to prevent corrosion of zippers. Use it regularly and experience the joy of gliding zippers on wetsuits, dive bags and outdoor gear.

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The Gear Aid Zipper Cleaner and Lubricant is designed to remove sand, dirt and salt deposits that can make a zipper stick. Previously known as Zip Care, this zipper lubricant’s handy brush top removes debris and delivers its cleaning formula right between the zipper teeth. Plus, it leaves behind a clear, protective and lubricating film to prevent corrosion of zippers. Use it regularly and experience the joy of gliding zippers on wetsuits, dive bags and outdoor gear.


Přípravek pro čištění zipů od písku, hlíny, soli a dalších nečistot, kvůli kterým se může zip zadrhávat a následně poškodit. Lahvička přípravku Gear Aid Zipper Lubricant je vybavena štětcem pro komfortní používání.

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